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Talislanta RPG

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  P.D. Breeding-Black
  Ron Spencer
  Adam Black
  Eric Patrick
  Zodar Galleries
  Girls of Talislanta
    Vol I
    Vol II

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The Girls of Talislanta Vol I

Miss Astar: Hyacinthia

  • Turn-Ons: Guitarists, men who aren't afraid to cry, dew-baths, love songs.
  • Turn-Offs: Violence, mean people.
  • Ambition: Complete a work in progress, "Concerto for Seven Subtle Mood Variations."

Miss Cymril: Thilfinna

  • Turn-Ons: Magic Wands, mystery, guys who look good in green, intellectuals, fine aquavit.
  • Turn-Offs: Ignorant people, guys who don't appreciate my mind.
  • Ambition: Complete my degree at the Lyceum Arcanum.

Miss Durne: Kanusiti

  • Turn-Ons: Cozy places, guys who are good with children, integrity.
  • Turn-Offs: Dishonesty, cowardice.
  • Ambitions: Get a good job in the Army of Durne, settle down and raise a family.

Miss Kasmir: Aleena Al-Shulam

  • Turn-Ons: Money, deviously clever men, a man who's well-established in the world financially.
  • Turn-Offs: Thieves, simpletons, frivolous spending.
  • Ambitions: Amass equity.

Miss Sindar: Yrrnea

  • Turn-Ons: Dual-Encephaly, a good bedtime game of Trivarian, alchemetical apparatus.
  • Turn-Offs: Idiots, sleep.
  • Ambitions: Limitless bidirectional intellectual expansion.

Miss Taz: Shamsheera

  • Turn-Ons: Violence, muscles, tattoos, wrestling.
  • Turn-Offs: Low pain thresholds, boring talk.
  • Ambitions: Win the Tattoo of Seven Perfect Conquests.

Miss Vardune: Chilrikki

  • Turn-Ons: Walks and glides in the woods, vintage vinesap, Nature.
  • Turn-Offs: Frivolous magicians, cities.
  • Ambitions: Master the secrets of Viridian's Botanomantic Hybridization; grow a nice treehouse of my own.

Miss Maze City of Altan: (Uses no name)

  • Turn-Ons: Meditation, communing with nature, amythist stones.
  • Turn-Offs: Violence, bad karma.
  • Ambitions:  To experience as much as possible to record in her tamar.

Miss Parthenian: Galtheezia

  • Turn-Ons:  The open seas, buff and oiled automatons.
  • Turn-Offs:  Rust, soft and squishy men.
  • Ambitions:  To captain her own sailing vessel and travel the Talislantan seas.