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The Seven Kingdoms Religions
by Colin Chapman

Creator/Tree of Life | Duality | Magister | Terra | Ancestral Reverence | Nature Reverence

The Ceator and the Tree of Life (Aeriad)

The Aeriad state that a great tree, the Tree of Life, exists at the center of creation, and is the aerie of the Creator, a winged, genderless humanoid with dazzling plumage in all the colors of creation, who soars through reality, bearing the seeds of the Tree of Life, and planting them so that new life may grow. The Tree of Life is considered the foundation of all things, its many branches the paths of life, its many leaves the infinite possibilities of existence.

Aeriad faith promotes reverence for, and defense of, the natural world, and the belief that the Creator's gifts should be used wisely. Worship is conducted with song, for the Aeriad state that the Creator soars so high it may not always see those far below, but can always hear skyward praise.

A Tree is the most potent of Aeriad symbols, reflecting the Tree of Life. Every tree is a reminder of their faith, and seeds are symbolic of new life and beginnings, and often worn as jewelry by the Aeriad.

- Holy Days
"The Day of Seeds" is held on the 1st of Ardan, and celebrates the onset of spring and the new life it brings. The 49th of Drome marks the equinox, celebrated as "The Day of Trees", when those plants which started life in the spring months start to reach maturity.
The 1st of Talisandre is the "Harvest of the Silver Moon", celebrating the beginning of the week-long viridia harvest, praising the Creator and Viridian for their gifts.
- Temples
Large open-air chambers, amid the boughs of trees, serve as temples where the Aeriad gather to sing. These are naturally grown from tree itself, usually a span-oak or viridia, and are decorated with garlands of flowers that are encouraged to grow within, around, and without the structure. This open structure allows Aeriad hymns to be sung skyward unimpeded, and their songs, which sound remarkably like the warbling of birds, can be heard for miles.

Saints and Luminaries
Viridian is the only luminary of the Aeriad faith, and is held in great esteem and reverence for his many botanomantic observations, and useful creations, such as the viridia tree, whispbane, and yellow stickler. Viridian was a famed magician of the Forgotten Age, in actuality a magical simulacrum of the esteemed Koraq, and had green skin and grass-like hair.

- Duties
Creativists lead their local community in songs of worship, and act as counselors and healers, as well as advising on matters pertaining to the wise use and protection of the environment. They are also respected for their calming influence on the more aggressive Blue Aeriad.
- Restrictions
Aeriad Creativists face few restrictions, save that they promote the tenets of their faith, and aid their fellow Aeriad selflessly. A calm and reasoning nature is necessary to fulfil their duties effectively, with the result that it is almost unknown for Blue Aeriad to become Creativists.
- Raiment
Creativists wear rainbow-colored viridia fabric robes, dye their plumage in multi-colors to better reflect the appearance of the Creator, and bear botanomantically-created living staffs that continually sprout fresh leaves and scented blossoms.
- Ranking
The Aeriad have a greater respect for wisdom and knowledge than age, and their Creativists turn to the colleague with the most appropriate knowledge, skill or expertise in any given situation.
- Magic
Aeriad Creativists practice Natural Magic that is in tune with the world around them. In fact, there are numerous areas throughout Vardune that aid the use of Natural Magic, including every Creativist temple.
- Resources
The Aeriad priesthood is supported by the two Aeriad councils and their local community, all of whom provide for whatever basic needs their local Creativists may require.

The Duality (Sindaran)

Many Sindarans have faith in the "Duality" - the Sindaran concept of the Creator - who they view as a representation of the ultimate melding of Mind and Spirit. Their faith is much more abstract than most races can easily fathom, and worship is too strong a definition for their philosophy.

The Sindarans believe that the Mind is the font of Reasoning, while the Spirit is the font of Understanding, and that only when the two merge to create the Duality can the ultimate truths of existence be truly realized. They envision the Duality as truly ephemeral and formless, just like thought, spirit and energy. It cannot be understood, nor does it possess traits that mortal minds can comprehend. It is quite simply the unseen energy of the universe and all things. The Sindarans do not practice their faith as an organized religion, nor do they gather together for such purposes as prayer. All are expected to find their own path, and engage their own spirituality by pondering the mysteries of all things.

The Magister (Cymrilian)

In general, few Cymrilians have any interest or belief in religion, being much more concerned with the workings of magic, or day-to-day life. This lack of interest means that less than ten percent of Cymril's populace actively profess belief in any deity, but of those that do, nearly all follow the Magister, the Cymrilian concept of the Creator.

The Magister is regarded as a being of mutable race and gender, demonstrating the mutability of magic. The use of magic is the ultimate expression of Creation, using the energy of the universe itself to form and transform in a near infinite variety of ways. Creation is Magic, and Magic is Creation. Both spring from the arcane energy of the Magister - the embodiment of Magic who conjures forth all things. The Magister is viewed as the ultimate neutral, and therefore unapproachable, for Magic and Creation are neither good nor evil, they simply are. The search for magical knowledge is said to bring enlightenment, as greater understanding of magic grants insight into the universe and Creation as a whole.

The Order of the Magister is particularly tolerant of other faiths and beliefs, preferring to pursue its own path of arcane knowledge. Given the view of the Magister as a neutral entity, followers try to remain aloof of events in the mundane world, and avoid interfering in events, except to promote the use, acceptance, understanding and research of magic.

The seven-pointed star, as the symbol of the spell matrix, is used as the symbol of the Magister.

- Holy Days
Every "High Day" - date divisible by 7 - is marked by a liturgy.
The 49th of every month is also marked by a service dedicated to an individual luminary as follows:
Ardan - The Enchantress
Drome - Koraq
Jhang - Sylan
Laeolis - Xanadas
Phandir - Cascal
Talisandre - Arkon
Zar - Rodinn
- Temples
The Order of the Magister's temple in Cymril is constructed like a seven-pointed star lying on the ground, with the seven points serving as inward-looking halls of pews spaced evenly around a central hub. This central hub serves as the focus of all ceremonies, bearing a circular rostrum that projects a large illusory image of the speaker. The rostrum and pulpit actually levitate 2-feet into the air, and slowly revolve during services. The temple itself is composed of green crystal, enchanted so that soft-colored lights glow within the walls, and is carved on nearly every surface with runes of magical significance.

Saints and Luminaries
The Order of the Magister reveres many of the great mages and sorcerers of the past, such as Koraq, Arkon and the Enchantress, noting that these great Archaens possessed a more perfect understanding of magic than their descendants. As such, they must also have had greater knowledge of all life's mysteries and were therefore more enlightened.

- Duties
The Order of the Magister does provide magical aid to Cymril's populace, typically in the form of healing services, but does so to increase the appreciation and acceptance of magic, and gather funds from donations, rather than out of any sense of altruism.
- Restrictions
Acolytes of the Magister may be of either gender, are not required to be celibate, and do not actively seek converts, believing instead that those searching for enlightenment will seek them out, although they do actively promote the use and acceptance of magic. They have few taboos, but must refrain from magical practices that could galvanize public opinion against magic.
- Raiment
All Acolytes wear necklaces bearing a seven-pointed star of green crystal, although these are increasingly ornate as they gain in rank. Their robes are tailored from enchanted spangalor, constantly swirling with color, and cut with the traditional Cymrilian high collar, and they bear enchanted staves during ceremonies, carved with magical runes, and topped with seven-pointed stars of green crystal, enchanted to glow softly with an inner light.
- Ranking
The Magister's priesthood organizes itself using the same structure as the Archaen Cabal, with the ranks ranging upward from Apprentice, through Initiate, Adept, and Master.
- Magic
Acolytes of the Magister do not practice Invocation, following the basic precepts of Wizardry instead.
- Resources
The Order is expected to support itself for the most part, and does this by taking donations from its parishioners, and using magic to aid the local community. In addition, the governing body of Cymril provides a reasonable donation, recognizing that the Order encourages the acceptance and use of magic.

Terra (Gnomekin)

The worship and belief in Terra is universal among the Gnomekin, and colors their very existence, personality and society, influencing the way they behave, and the way they view the world. They believe Terra is a living entity; an elemental of vast proportions that forms the world itself. The earth is her flesh, the rocks her bones, the waters her blood, and the air her breath. She provides shelter, food, water, and the very ground upon, within, and above which all things live. She is benign and loving: the ultimate mother, providing for all life. All living creatures are her children, even if they do not realize it, and children should reciprocate her love, treating her with care and respect. They must use Her gifts wisely, for abusing Terra is detrimental to everyone, as the Gnomekin believe that the combined abuses - in the form of excessive deforestation, strip-mining and pollution, etc. - could actually kill Terra. For all her power she is largely at the mercy of her children, which is another reason why she must be cherished and guarded. The Gnomekin believe that the Womb of Terra is within the earth itself, and that because they dwell there they are truly her children. Crystals are the Tears of Terra, and among her greatest gifts: symbols of her love, and the pain she suffered when birthing all life.

Friendship, tolerance, selflessness, and a reverence for the natural world are expressions of Terra's benevolence, and Gnomekin strive to embody these traits. A humble manner is the ultimate expression of respect for Terra, showing that no one is truly superior or favored in her eyes. All beings are equal, and although some must assume the burden of rulership, true rulers exist to serve their people, mirroring Terra's devotion to her offspring. The act of birth is sacred, symbolic of the Mother, and children are to be taught with love, respect and freedom. Unnatural birth control wastes the gift Terra has bestowed, and shows a lack of respect for life. The pain of childbirth, and the trials and tribulations it creates help people to understand Terra better, and is yet another reason why children are sacred, and childbirth is encouraged.

Terra is recognized by no specific symbol, though the colors of brown and green are symbolic of her.

- Holy Days
None. All days are considered equally holy in the worship of Terra.
- Temples
The Daughters believe you can pray to Terra anywhere, although areas of great natural beauty (such as caves or grottoes filled with glowing crystals) are sacred. They prefer to conduct their simple services underground, as they believe this is "within Terra's womb".

- Duties
The Daughters of Terra seek to increase the appreciation and communion with nature in those around them, as well as promoting the tenets of their faith, and providing services as healers, midwives, and counselors. While they avoid gender prejudice, for all are beloved of Terra, it is felt that females understand her best, being intimately connected to creation in a way no male could ever completely appreciate.
- Restrictions
All Gnomekin clergy of Terra are female, and call themselves "Daughters", but face few restrictions beyond upholding the faith and helping others.
- Raiment
The Daughters of Terra wear simple brown, hooded robes, belted at the waist with plaited vegetation, and all bear a roughly heart-shaped chunk of emeralite crystal on a leather thong around their necks, so that it hangs near their heart.
- Ranking
All beings are considered equal in the eyes of followers of Terra, although Terra's Daughters respect the opinions of those who are older or wiser.
- Magic
The Daughters of Terra practice Crystalomancy rather than Invocation, revering crystals as one of Terra's gifts. They that plaguing Terra with requests for further boons would be selfish and disrespectful. - Resources
The Daughters of Terra are not so much an organized church as a loosely organized cult. They eschew the collection of material wealth beyond that necessary for survival, and provide their aid and guidance with no expectation of reward. However, all Gnomekin are willing to help the Daughters in any way they can, providing them with food, shelter and protection.

Ancestral Reverence (Thrall)

Thralls revere and acknowledge their most accomplished ancestors as fine examples of Thralldom that an individual can aspire to, but do not worship them, or believe that their ancestors are spiritual entities.

Thralls have no illusions about their origins as a race of neomorphs created by ancient sorcerers, and have no belief in a higher being of any variety. The greatest deeds of a tribe's ancestors are tattooed on all members of that tribe for all future generations, and great heroes of the present receive recognition in the same way. In this way, the various tribes always remember their most notable ancestors, and aspire to be remembered the same way themselves.

Saints and Luminaries
While not saints and luminaries in any religious or spiritual sense, every Thrall tribe has a number of esteemed figures in its history.

Nature Reverence (Muse)

Muses admire the beauty of nature that surrounds them, and the spirits that provide such beauty, but they do not worship in any sense of the word.

Muses regard it is satisfying and respectful to revel in and enjoy the bounty that nature has given them.