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Chapter I - The Staples of Life


Sadly, many travelers are limited in their tastes, and are surprisingly unadventurous with foodstuffs given their dangerous pastime. As luck would have it, these poor fools are fortunate enough that a few staples of Talislantan cuisine are common almost throughout the continent. Unfortunately, they bear scrutiny for their importance, if not their tastes.

The Staples

Provender Plant
The humble provender, hardy and prolific in the extreme, is a taste known throughout the continent. Nearly always overlooked, the provender provides us with the grain for bread, and its grassy leaves are the fodder for much of our livestock.

Provender Bread
Possessed of a "nutty" flavor and a texture like moist sponge, few aromas set the mouth watering like the smell of freshly baked provender bread. It is served with the majority of common meals, adding bulk and substance to any dish. Of course, it can become bland if over-baked, so many eateries add a touch of something extra so that each slice holds a few tasty morsels. Examples include spice, tiny pieces of fruit, vegetables, and even fish or meat. Cheap, filling, and often surprisingly satisfying, provender bread is the cornerstone of Talislantan civilization. Toasted, it makes a tasty snack.

Provender Root
Sadly, where the grain makes for superb bread, the root is barely fit for animals. Although edible (and I use that term very loosely) it is potently bitter, leaving a foul, numbing after-taste that can only be removed with copious amounts of strong drink. Only the destitute lower themselves to consume it, and even they usually retch while doing so. Even livestock have the good sense not to eat it. In fact, the only beast that seems to have developed a taste for the wretched root is the Land Kra. It is typically baked in its skin, and it is incredibly cheap (its only redeeming feature).

Provender Dumplings
Stew is obviously common around the continent, with any leftover scraps being thrown together and boiled. No Talislantan stew is complete without provender dumplings. Baking the flour in a rough ball shape with animal fat, the dumplings are crisped-off and added to the stew, soaking up some of the flavor. If any cook is really serious about his trade he will mix in some herbs or spices with the dumpling mix. Surprisingly, small dumplings are also very popular in Mandalan culture, but that will be covered in a later volume.

Our winged friends are nothing if not commonplace, having adapted to most of Talislanta's variable climates. Of course, their meat varies, but is typically white in color, with a smooth texture. Strength of flavor varies enormously, as does the dryness of the meat, from the greasy (but succulent) flesh of the waterborne qwuk, to the dry flesh of the domestically raised, 6-legged kinchin. Indeed, it is truly astounding just how many meats taste like kinchin...
Served in an infinite variety of ways, avir is usually roasted. If any accusation can be leveled at the avir it is the accursed monotony of plucking them.

Avir Eggs
As if their meat was not boon enough, avir eggs are a blessing to cooks everywhere. That smooth egg white and green yolk have adorned many a platter, and avir eggs have a rich taste quite unlike anything else. Usually served poached or boiled, the humble kinchin egg is known throughout the realms, making a tasty snack when scrambled.

A common domestic livestock, the hulking but placid durge provide nearly 1000lbs of prime meat each. Indeed, even the liver, heart and tripe of the beast is commonly used, and its immense quantities of sweet marrow are scooped, roasted, and served in steaming slices. The meat is extremely thick, red and strong flavored, and is usually marinated before roasting to soften the flesh slightly. Dried strips of salted durge jerky form the basis of most trail rations, but even if you run out of provisions, durge are common enough in the wild, and make easy targets.

Erd Meat
It is actually uncommon to consume erd, for they are valued primarily for their milk producing qualities. As a result, most erd meat is from old stock, and is tough and chewy, with a weak flavor. At best, it is cheap.

Erd Milk
An uncommon beverage, erd milk is thick and creamy with a slightly "cheesy" aroma. Unsurprisingly its main use is the creation of erd cheese.

Erd Cheese
Possessed of varied flavor, erd cheese is found in a stunning number of varieties. Smoked Erd cheddar is extremely popular in Cymril, the cheese taking on a slight flavoring from the wood it is smoked with. The most popular (and expensive) smoking wood is from the spice tree, which gives the cheese a ginger tang. Texture varies greatly too, from the mild and crumbly Aarello of Aaman, to the zingy black pepper flavor of Zoldi in Zandu. Erd cheese is invariably served in slices with provender bread as a cold lunchtime menu.

These murky-brown flatfish are found in nearly all the rivers, lakes, seas and oceans in and around the continent. Due to their abundance, and ability to survive in both fresh and salt waters, mudrays have become a staple of the Talislantan diet. Skinned and smoked, their soft white flesh is fresh and flavorsome, and fillets are often served with a herb and erd-cream sauce. The silverray, while smaller and almost indistinguishable in flavor, is regarded as somewhat of a delicacy simply because it looks more attractive, and is harder to come by.

Rock Urchin
Found in caves throughout the continent, rock urchins are a delicacy, both easy to catch and prepare. The still live urchins are dropped into pans of boiling water, and served when their black shell starts to crack. Iron prying tools are used to pull open the steaming shell, allowing the diner to partake of the mildly flavored, succulent white flesh.

The alcoholic beverage of the unwashed masses, grog is the catchall (and in my opinion, well deserved) name given to the basest and cheapest alcohol of any region. Tastes range from sickening to bland, and the alcohol content varies from negligible to "one-tankard k.o.". I myself had the misfortune to try a grog in Arim that almost peeled the skin off the roof of my mouth. Chakos seemed a godsend thereafter. At best, grog is a cheap way to lose consciousness.