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Xambrians: A Shadow Across the Soul

(excerpted in part from a rare unabridged copy of "The Chronicles of Talislanta", by the wizard Tamerlin.)

Of all Talislantans perhaps none are so tortured in mind and spirit as the Xambrians. Their ancient ancestors were nearly eradicated by the Torquarans, who sought to exterminate their race for no other reason than sheer hatred and greed. Their homeland, ravaged by warfare and the effects of The Great Disaster, lies in ruins - an inhospitable wasteland, haunted by the spirits of their ancient ancestors, and the spectre of that grisly monument, Omen, the mountain of skulls.

For the few Xambrians who survive to the present day, life holds little in the way of happiness or serenity. Sworn to seek justice for the terrible wrongs done to their people, no Xambrian is free to pursue his or her own individual aspirations. Marriage, raising a family, building a home, or even settling down in one place for any length of time are out of the question; a Xambrian must be prepared at all time to follow the calling, whenever it may occur. Outsiders regard them with superstition and mistrust, and such friends and acquaintences as they may make are temporary at best.

Traveling through hostile wilderness, spending weeks or even months completely alone, always waiting for the calling but never knowing when it will come - this is the fate of the Xambrians. It is no wonder then that some folks say that the Xambrians are a doom-haunted people who bear a shadow across their souls.

© 1994 SMS