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Thrall Tattoo Symbology

(excerpted in part from a rare unabridged copy of "The Chronicles of Talislanta", by the wizard Tamerlin.)

"Thrall tattooes, while colorful in appearance, are not just a form of decoration. Nor are the designs simply a means of instilling a sense of individuality into a race whose members otherwise look exactly alike. In fact, the intricate symbology utilized in Thrall tattoes provides a virtual record of the wearer's life and history. In order to obtain some idea of how to read Thrall tattoes one must understand the importance of the tattoo's location, color, and symbolism.

"The location of a tattoo determines the general type of information it conveys. For example, the area of the head is used for information that is specifically about the individual: his or her name, rank, and personal embelishments. Name and rank are indited on the forehead, for easy recognition; as an individual progresses in rank this information extends to the areas on the sides and back of the head. Personal embelishments are primarily decorative in nature, and are located in the areas around the eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, ears, and neck. Place of birth and clan alliance are recorded on the shoulders. The torso is used to delineate the wearer's lineage: his or her ancestors, their place of origin, and their accomplishments. The individual's own achievements and skills are indited upon the arms, legs, hands, and feet.

"Colors are used to indicate clan alliance, and to provide more specific information about the wearer. Each clan uses its own color combination, which is incorporated into the traditional shoulder-designs. The use of bright colors make such designations easier to read at a distance. The vertical forehead-designs used to show rank are also based on color: gold is the highest rank, followed in descending order by green, violet, blue, orange red, and white. Color is also used to indicate specific types of battle commendations; green for valorous conduct, blue for tactical expertise, gold for command excellence, etc. The tattoos worn by young Thralls may be comprised only of lines; colors will be added later, as the Thrall advances in experience and accomplishments. Changes in rank are indicated by the addition (or deletion) of new vertical designs in the appropriate color.

The most specific information is contained within the actual symbols used in each tattoo. Each of these symbols is an ideogram, expressing a word, phrase, or concept. Arranged in a variety of different combinations, the lines, patterns, and geometric shapes used in Thrall symbology convey the entire story of a Thrall's life."

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