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Orgovians: The Art of the Deal

(excerpted in part from a rare unabridged copy of "The Chronicles of Talislanta", by the wizard Tamerlin.)

From a discussion with a Kasmiran money lender:

"Merchants and entrepeneurs who wish to have dealings with the Orgovians would do well to keep several facts in mind. First, know that Orgovian clans travel far and wide, and have access to goods and commodities from many distant lands and strange places. They are canny traders, and have a knack for rare merchandise that may be difficult to find elsewhere. It is precisely by dealing in such unusual and uncommon wares that Orgovians are able to compete with the Djaffir merchant tribes, whose goods are generally of a more common and easily marketable sort. Discriminating buyers of rare and exotic goods would do well to establish relations among these people, whose favor is well worth cultivating.

Secondly, in all dealings with Orgovians, the most important factor is the appearance of fairness. Orgovians are suspicious by nature, and more than a bit xenophobic. Until they have proven otherwise, all foreigners are regarded as potential thieves, assassins, or worse. It is the custom among these folk to exchange gifts before entering into trade negotiations of any sort. Be prepared to do so, and do not stint on your offering: your generosity and overall trustworthiness will be judged on the basis of the value of your gift. Bear the added expense of these gifts without complaining; the cost of the offering is deductible as a business expense, and is well worth the investment in any case.

By all means do not offer coins to an Orgovian, either as a gift or in payment for goods. Since the fall of the old nation of Orgovia and the subsequent devaluation of its traditional currency, the yatma, the Orgovians have lost faith in all forms of coinage, which they regard as unsafe. These people use barter exclusively in all transactions, so remember to bring other goods to trade. Fine fabrics, jewelry, rare spices, and ornate Zandir blades are highly regarded; trinkets and worthless brumagem are not, and may be regarded as a sign of bad faith (see below).

Should your gift or trade offering fail to meet with the approval of the Orgovians, you may put aside all thoughts of trades or transactions. Instead, your primary concern now becomes one of survival. Bow politely, say your farewells, make whatever excuses you wish, but leave the area without delay. For once you have curried an Orgovian's disfavor or distrust, you will be regarded as an enemy. Should you argue or haggle at this point, the Orgovians may perceive that you are trying to cheat them, and elect to do violence upon your person. Such difficulties, while not always inevitable, occur with some frequency, and go far to explain why many merchants prefer to deal with the Djaffir, who - though conniving in their own right - are at least more stable and placid of temperment than Orgovians.

©1994 SMS