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The Jaka: Superstition or Intuition?

(excerpted in part from a rare unabridged copy of "The Chronicles of Talislanta", by the wizard Tamerlin.)

Among many Talislantans, it is considered an established fact that the Jaka exhibit a deep-rooted aversion for Magic, a trait that many believe is based upon ignorance and superstition. What is not generally known is that the Jaka do not fear Magic so much as they distrust it.

This attitude can be traced to two sources. First, the Jaka have seen the effects that The Great Disaster had on the continent of Talislanta, and are well aware of the destructive and unpredictable forces that can be unleashed by the misuse of Magic. Second, and perhaps more importantly, close proximity to powerful magical energies can activate the Jaka's uncanny "sixth sense", which warns them when they are in the presence of danger; a not altogether inappropriate response, given the potential for mishaps and unintentional side-effects associated with the use of Magic.

While the talismans that Jaka wear to ward against "the Evil Eye" confer a degree of protection from certain types of black magic, these devices are not worn strictly for superstitious reasons. Instead, some believe that the talismans may also serve to lessen the Jaka's subconscious "danger response", enabling them to evaluate conditions on a more rational basis when in the presence of Magic. If true, then the Jaka's aversion to Magic would seem to be based more on intuition than mere superstition.

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