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Ahazu: On the Warpath

(The Thrall warrior, Cesta, once worked as a mercenary guard on an expedition into the Junglelands. Her account of an attack by a band of Ahazu, as related to Tamerlin, follows)

"Far in the distance I heard the fierce shrieking howls of an Ahazu band on the warpath. There was little time to take defensive action. We herded the mounts into a grove of parasol trees and took cover behind a stand of thornwood. A moment later the Ahazu war party came into view, running towards us through the dense undergrowth. Now I understood the reason for the Ahazu's striated skin: it helps them blend into the jungle shadows, and makes them difficult to see clearly.

We fired our crossbows as the first line of warriors came into range. The Ahazu took several casualties, but kept on coming. The magician, Balmundos, prepared to send a spell of fire into their midst. The Ahazu unleashed a hail of three-bladed throwing knives. That was the end of Balmundos.

Another second and the Ahazu were upon us, leaping and scrambling over the thornwood barricade. Now the fight began in earnest. The four-armed warriors reveled in this type of close combat, where they enjoy a decided advantage. I countered with wide strokes of my greatsword, using the long blade to keep the attackers at arm's length; an excellent strategy, but an inadequate response. The Ahazu were too many. They overran our position, until at last I was the only one of my group still standing. Surrounded and outnumbered, I could devise no tactical response but to fight until the end.

Suddenly one of the Ahazu let out a blood-curdling scream. Frothing at the mouth, the creature set upon his own companions like one possessed, wielding a three-bladed knife in each of its four hands. From the other Ahazu I heard the cry, "Shan-Ya!", repeated several times. While they were occupied with the mad one I made a strategic withdrawal into the jungle."

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