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Zandir Seaman
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: Zandu

"Pour me some of that fine wine, lad, and I'll tell you of the two-headed sea dragon that lairs off the coast of Mog."

The azure waters of the Rim have always called to you, and you spent much of your early life down by the docks, basking in the sights and sounds that surrounded you, listening with wonder to the tall tales of Zandu's brave seamen. When you were able, you became a sailor yourself, one of the rough and rugged men that ply the southern waters, visiting exotic lands, seeing strange sights, and experiencing excitement and danger. No longer wet behind the ears, you are accustomed to the hard realities of seafaring, and the threats that face you on the waves. Although you don't want to think what would happen were you to ever lose sight of land, you feel alive when aboard ship; the spray of salt water in the air, the comradeship, the perils you face, and the lure of distant shores.

Physical Characteristics: 5'6"-6', 100-180 lbs. Copper skin, sculpted features, dark hair, dark green eyes.

INT 0 PER +1 WIL -2 CHA 0 STR +1 DEX +2 CON +1 SPD +1 CR +3 MR +1 HP 22

Dagger +3 Weapon of choice +2 Brawling +3 Pilot +4 Artillerist +2 Oratory +4 Swim +3 Gambling +2 Dance or Song +1 High Talislan, native Low Talislan, native Sea Nomad, basic

Equipment: Weather-worn but colorful pants, shirt or vest, belt or sash, hair confined in silver bands, dagger, weapon of choice, pouch, dice, flask of alcohol.

Wealth: 25 gold lumens in Zandir crescents and exotic goods.