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Zandir Executioner
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: Zandu

"Gentle watchers! On this fateful day, I, the Black Enim, will bring about the final doom and judgement of the lowly criminal you see before you! An arsonist, a killer, a ravisher of women, and more besides, he must now answer to the justice of the Black Enim! Yes, I hear you cry, the sword would be too swift for one such as he, but fear not, for I have devised a death such as he richly deserves! As you can see, he is tied down atop a block of stone surrounded by a trough, a frame holding a bucket of flammable oil above him! Above that, a simple candle, its tiny flame a light to his darkness! Yet, the candle balances precariously, does it not? Yes, a single thread, akin to the last thread of this man's evil life, prevents its fall into the bucket of oil! But, with a sweep of my blade of justice, that thread will be severed, the oil will ignite, the bucket will topple, and he will die by the fire he lived by! Avert your eyes if you be weak of constitution, for now the Black Enim is to raise his sword!"

Execution is far more than the simple slaying of a convicted felon; it is an artform, a performance, the last display of elaborate flamboyance the criminal will ever witness before they breathe their last. As one of Zandu's executioners, you attract adoring and bloodthirsty crowds with your melodramatic speeches, fearful persona, and creative executions. You vie with other executioners for the right to execute the most high profile and notorious criminals, attracting greater crowds, and increasing your fame and wealth. Indeed, such criminals often request execution at the hands of Zandu's most famed executioners, hoping to make their death a memorable one. You try to impart a sense of poetic justice, striving to make the execution fit the perpetrator's crime, and only the most lowly and common criminals receive a swift death by hanging or beheading.

Physical Charateristics: 5'6"-6', 100-180 lbs. Copper skin, sculpted features, dark hair, dark green eyes, skin enhanced with vividly colored pigments.

INT +1
WIL -2
CHA +1
STR +2
DEX +1
SPD +1
CR +3
MR 0
HP 20

Executioner's Sword +3
Brawling +3
Oratory +6
Artisan - Execution Devices +4
Weaponer +1
High Talislan, native
Low Talislan, native

Equipment: Velveteen hood, elaborate and intimidating mask, knee high boots, silk shirt, leather breeches, heavy felt gloves, hair confined in silver bands, executioner's sword (treat as Greatsword), pouch, artisan tools, dramatic nom de plume.

Wealth: 100 gold lumens in Zandir crescents.