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Sarista Guard
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: Silvanus

"Be warned, that should you wish my brethren ill, even the luck of Fortuna will not save you from my blade."

The Sarista may trust to the caprice of Fortuna, but they are no fools, for luck can be both good and ill. As a guard, you serve your people by defending them against possible dangers, maintaining vigil against intrusions from the depths of Werewood, the Witch Hunters of Aaman, and keeping an active interest in the activities of any visitors to your camp. It can be a harsh life, and your awareness of the dangers beyond the caravan makes you seem dour and isolated to your more frivolous, carefree brethren, who avoid trying to think about the realities of life. When they gather with joy at the campfires, you must often patrol the camp's perimeter. Despite this, you are proud of your position as a protector of Fortuna's people, and your knowledge of life's perils makes you all the more appreciative of the times when Fortuna smiles.

Notes: The guards compose of no more than 1 in 20 of the Sarista, and although considered somewhat apart from the other Sarista, are quite amiable by the standards of other folk. Due to their slightly isolated position, many come from the ranks of the Fortuned; those children of other cultures rescued by the caravan, but who are forbidden to breed in Sarista culture. In the case of a Fortuned Guard, simply change their Physical Characteristics to those of their native culture.

Physical Charateristics: 5'-6', 90-200 lbs. Olive skin, green eyes, black hair, slender build, neatly trimmed mustaches and beards (males), possible facial tattoos.

PER +1
STR +1
DEX +4
CON +1
CR +4
MR 0
HP 22

Guard +5
Dueling Sword +4
Brawling +3
Weapon of choice +3
Mounted Combat +3
Evade +4
Guide - Silvanus +7
Streetwise +5
Ride +2
Three Thieving Skills of choice +5
One Performing Skill of choice +3
Low Talislan, native
Sarisa, native

Equipment: Animal hide cloak, sash, headband, colorful garments, boots of soft hide, pouch with thieves' tools (if applicable), dueling sword, graymane mount, choice of one other weapon, leather armor, performing equipment (if applicable).

Wealth: 40 gold lumens in assorted currencies.