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Sindaran Mesa Sentinel
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: Sindar

"Based on the calculations I have reached due to the dust-settlement and erosion level within the tracks of the twelve-strong Za party we are currently pursuing, I would estimate that they are two hours, six minutes in advance of us."

Given the blatantly apparent security provided by dwelling atop such a towering edifice as a mesa provides, the intellectually-impaired mono-encephalon might be forgiven for reaching the erroneous conclusion that your people, the dual encephalon Sindarans, have no further requirements in terms of defensive capabilities. Such a miscalculated judgement is to be considered naive, for logic dictates that a substantive force of invaders could lay siege to a single mesa, and however slim the chances are of such an event occurring, the prudent and intelligent make allowances for such an eventuality. As a volunteer in Sindar's Mesa Sentinel militia organization, you bolster the natural defenses provided by the geological formations atop which your people dwell. You reconnoiter the surrounding landscape, reporting substantial threats, observing and tracking potential hazards, and dissuading minor inconveniences by means physical and persuasive. While your skills at piloting the aerial vessels known as windskiffs, does permit you to perform your designated duties in a reasonably secure manner, your work does on occasion necessitate more direct investigation and intervention, and although you abhor physical violence as base, you possess the requisite skills and trappings to indulge in such, should circumstance require it.

Physical Characteristics: 7'-7'4", 180-220 lbs. Rough sandy-hued skin, emaciated build, row of horn-like nodules running from crown of head to back of neck, curved spur of cartilage protruding beneath chin. Special Abilities: Dual-Encephalon.

INT +8
PER +1
WIL +4
STR -1
CR +2
MR -5
HP 18

Rod of Alchemy +5
Weapon of choice +3
Tracking +4
Scout +4
Tactics +3
Guide +3
Survival +3
Pilot - windskiff +3
Collector +2
Trivarian +1
Scholar Skill of choice +3
Trade Skill of choice +3
High Talislan, native
Low Talislan, native

Equipment: Cloak, loincloth (males) or caftan (females), sandals, silver earrings and necklace, wrist and ankle bracers, bandoleer pouches with ten amberglass vials of various powders, rod of alchemy (projects vials of powder), weapon of choice, Trivarian game, collection, flask of skoryx, assorted tomes.

Wealth: 1,000 gold lumens in assorted currencies and collectibles.