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Rasmirin Tundra Rider
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: L'Haan

"When I take your life, die in the knowledge that all things end".

The Mirin speak of order, of laws, and the godhood of Borean. They are fools. The omniverse is not ruled by law, but by chaos. By destruction. Everything ends, and time is wasted resisting the destructive forces of nature. It is acceptance of these forces that makes life all the more precious. The Mirin spend time in worship to the false god Borean, a stagnant entity that has given them nothing, and taken their freedom. Your people, the Rasmirin, have taken as their allies those beings called "demons", the elemental forces that represent the destructive forces of nature, the polar opposites of elementals such as Borean. You do not worship them, for worship is the creation of order, but you share a common enemy, for only the destruction of Borean, the undermining of the precious Mirin society, will free your kin. Many of your fellows work to this end, infiltrating the settlements of the Mirin, or practicing more arcane skills. You have not the patience for this, and serve your people instead as a hunter and warrior, fiercely contesting your strength with the capricious and unpredictable tundra loper you ride. A worthy steed for a worshipper of chaos.

Physical Charateristics: 5'8"-6'6", 110-210 lbs. Bright blue skin, hair as fine and white as gossamer, statuesque figure, features painted with cult markings.

INT +1
PER +1
CHA -2
STR +1
DEX +1
CON +2
CR +4
MR +2
HP 22

Special Abilities: Immunity to cold (after several weeks in temperate regions, Rasmirin lose this immunity and their skin fades to crystal white; both effects are reversible).

<Three Modes of choice> +2
Spear +3
Staff +3
Dagger +2
Shield +2
Mounted Combat +3
Doctrines - Demonology +5
Animal Handler +3
Scout +3
Tracking +3
Stealth +5
Ride +5
Brewer - Loper Sedative +3
Elder Tongue, native
Sign, native dialect

Equipment: Cloak, headdress, and boots of frostwere hide, partial chain and hide armor, mail gauntlets, iron-shod spear, dagger, iron and bone shield, spellbook, belt pouch, 10 doses of loper sedative in a flask, tundra loper steed.

Wealth: 250 gold lumens in blue diamonds, ivory, and hides.