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Quan Militiaman
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: Kang Empire

"We were once a warrior race, and we can be so once again!".

Your people have fallen far, and you are ashamed of this ignoble failure, although looking back, you can see it was inevitable. Bloated, indolent, and arrogant, your people, the once mighty Quan, had become weak and ineffectual, a far cry from the proud, golden-skinned warriors they had once been. Perhaps the Silent Insurrection is instead a blessing, for once again your people must learn to fend for themselves, and stand on their own two feet. You feel that given time you can reclaim the fierce heritage of your ancestors, and become warriors to be feared, and several of you have embraced that ethic, now serving to drive away the beasts that enter Tian, and even learning to hunt once more. The path ahead will be harsh, and it will take time to mend the crushed spirit of your people, but who ever said the path of a warrior was an easy one?

Physical Charateristics: 5'-6', 120-220 lbs. Sallow skin, physique lean from hunger.

INT +1
PER +1
WIL -1
CHA -2
CON -1
CR 0
MR -2
HP 18

Spear +3
Dagger +3
Sling +2
Survival +4
Laborer +4
Quan, native
High Talislan, native

Equipment: Makeshift spear (dagger lashed to a pole), rag sling and pouch of 10 stones, tattered finery and rags.

Wealth: None.