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Na-Ku Witchdoctor
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: The Crescent Isles

"The king is hungry! Go forth and find plentiful food, or become his next meal yourselves!"

You were not like the others. They trembled and cowed before the almighty Narug, prostrating and soiling themselves under his terrible, ever-hungry gaze, but you did not tremble, though you deeply feared him. You merely regarded him with awe as he tore and devoured the carcasses you had given as tribute. Only when his eyes fixed on you, and his rumbling voice ordered the other quivering wretches to leave, did your blood run truly cold, and icy fear grip your heart. He regarded you with his vast emotionless orbs of yellow, and demanded that you approach him. Slowly, almost painfully, you forced yourself forward, and his cruel maw broke into the most evil of smiles. He laughed; a foul laugh of contempt and mirth intermingled, and decreed that you would serve him as a witchdoctor, for your courage made you superior to your brothers. Almost collapsing with relief, you were taken from his presence, and instructed by the other witchdoctors. Now, you serve to enforce his decrees, and you are feared by your brother Na-Ku. Even so, you fear Narug, and know that should you displease him, your death will be inevitable.

Physical Charateristics: 5'-5'6", 90-130 lbs. Oily, indigo-blue skin, yellow eyes, skull-like visage, serpentine tail, hunched torso.

INT -1
CHA -3
DEX +2
CON +2
CR +1
MR -1
HP 16

Special Abilities: Prehensile tail.

Dagger +2
Coerce +3
Oratory +2
Staff +2
Pilot - Canoe +1
Survival +4
Chanan, native dialect

Equipment: Loincloth of animal hide, necklace of humanoid teeth and bones, bone dagger, crude staff with a skull lashed to the top.

Wealth: None; Na-Ku value only food to feed their king.