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Mirin Ice Sailor
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: L'Haan

"Borean's breath is the force that fills our sails, and with His presence at our backs the frozen waters will be naught but a glittering blur."

The great frozen expanses of ice that blanket the great lakes glitter like diamonds in the sunslight, and reflect light like breath-taking mirrors of monumental size. In graceful ice schooners you skim the surface of these great mirrors, watching the beauty of the tundra as you speed past it. As one of Mirin's ice sailors, you perform a task of vital import, maintaining connections between each of L'Haan's great cities, ferrying goods, people, and military forces between them as needed. Slicing across the ice on blades of blue adamant, you pilot the schooners, and man their catapults and ballistae, vigilant for ice giant assaults, ice dragon attacks, and partially submerged ice boulders. In those times when the ice giants attack a settlement in force, you harry them from the lakes, depositing tundra scouts swiftly. Yes, your task is one of utmost necessity, and occasional peril, but you love it deeply, and feel at home with the frigid air whipping your hair, and ice speeding past beneath you.

Physical Charateristics: 5'8"-6'6", 110-210 lbs. Bright blue skin, hair as fine and white as gossamer, statuesque figure.

INT +1
PER +1
DEX +1
CON +2
CR +3
MR +1
HP 22

Special Abilities: Immunity to cold (after several weeks in temperate regions, Mirin lose this immunity and their skin fades to crystal white; both effects are reversible); Melding.

Pilot - Ice Schooner +5
Artillerist +3
Broadsword +3
Light Crossbow +3
Swim +3
Elder Tongue, native
High Talislan, basic

Equipment: Leather and fine silk garments, cape of frostwere hide, adamant Mirin broadsword, light crossbow with quiver of 20 bolts with incendiary coating, belt pouch; if based in L'Haan, may have access to an ice schooner.

Wealth: 100 gold lumens in L'Haan adamants.