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Cymrilian Sky Sailor
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: Cymril

"To leave the problems of life far below, and sail above seas of clouds is to gladden both soul and senses."

Your heart belongs to the boundless vault of the heavens, and you feel truly at home on the deck of a windship as it glides through the eddies of the sky, far above the land, sails billowing in the wind. Few landlubbers could understand the feeling of freedom that air sailing grants you, and fewer still would willingly face the dangerous storms or aerial predators that can bring peril to a journey. You work hard and play hard, proud to serve in Cymril's majestic navy, using your unsurpassed skills as pilot, navigator, and crewman to see your vessel through any trials it may face. Foreign and exotic lands hold a great deal of appeal, though you seldom visit them for more than short periods before taking to the air again, bound for other locations. Spell and sword stand ready to defend you, and although you do not possess the military might of the airborne swordsmages, you know that your role is just as vital, both in peace and war.

Physical Characteristics: 6'-6'5", 130-200 lbs. Pale green skin and hair, golden eyes, slender build, handsome features, may alter appearance with magical enhancements.

INT +1
PER +1
DEX +1
CR +2
MR +2
HP 21

Elemental Magic - Aeromancy
<Two Modes of choice> +2
Longsword +2
Pilot - Windship +8
Astromancy +3
Artillerist - Ballistae +2
Climbing +3
Arcane Lore +2
Etiquette +4
Fashion +4
Cultures +2
High Talislan, fluent
Low Talislan, native
Archaen, fluent

Equipment: High-collared leather tunic, breeches, boots, cap and gloves, all dyed in various colors, amberglass goggles, leather-bound spellbook, longsword, pouch, two magical trinkets; sky sailors based in Cymril may have access to a windship.

Wealth: 40 gold lumens in gold pentacles and other currencies.