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Arimite Miner
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: Arim

"You think I should take pride in being the backbone of my nation? Pah, let's see you work in the mines and speak of 'pride'."

Life in Arim is like the mines you labor in; hard, dark, and dangerous. Day in, day out, you slave away in the suffocating confines of the mines, braving cave-ins, falls, gas pockets, and other hazards, tearing black iron ore or silver from the earth. You, like many other Arimites, have little to look forward to in life, little to enjoy, and the bitterness of this makes the chakos you consume at the end of the day seem sweet by comparison. The life of a miner is a hard and relentless one, and you barely earn enough to live in mediocre fashion, but even so, you are thankful to be a miner, and not a worker in the smelters or refineries, where the scorching air slowly roasts the flesh, the ash clogs the lungs, and even a single minor accident horribly burns and mutilates. Perhaps one day you will claw your way up to the position of Overseer, but that is a climb as perilous as any in the mines, for there will always be rivals, and the accursed Revenants do not come cheaply.

Physical Characteristics: 5'2"-6'2", 100-180 lbs. Swarthy complexion, long black hair, dark eyes.

CHA -1
STR +2
DEX +2
CON +3
CR +3
MR 0
HP 24

Pickaxe +2
Arimite Knife-fighting +1
Brawling +3
Climbing +2
Laborer +4
Mining +3
Low Talislan, native dialect

Equipment: Fur vest, hide boots, sackcloth breeches, armbands and earrings of black iron, pickaxe, two throwing knives, torch, shovel, pouch, iron flask of chakos.

Wealth: 10 gold lumens in silver Exarchs.