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Aamanian Soldier
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: Aaman

"In Aa's name, cleanse and purify!" (the traditional battle cry of Aaman's military)

The dark realms of the accursed heathens surround the blessed lands of Aa's chosen, all potential enemies to be warded against. As one of Aaman's glorious military, you and your comrades stand prepared to defend Aa's people against your savage and jealous neighbors, most vile of which are the licentious Zandir, who would drag all around them into the depths of their depravity. Regimented and pious, you are proud to serve as Aa's shield, protecting His people, and Aa's mace, smiting the enemies of the Orthodoxy. Under the command of the holy Warrior-Priests, you practice the traditional forms and maneuvers of war with great precision, forms handed down rigid and unchanged since the Cult Wars. You may be assigned to guard the nation's borders, or serve in the Towers of Aa's Watchfulness along the Great Barrier Wall. You may patrol Aaman's nighttime streets, enforcing curfew, or guard cult members or structures of import. The duty Aa has given you is vital, and you will not fail.

Physical Characteristics: 5'6"-6', 100-180 lbs. Copper skin, sculpted features, dark green eyes, all facial and bodily hair removed.

WIL +1
STR +1
DEX +1
CON +1
CR +3
MR 0
HP 20

Mace +3
Longsword +3
Heavy Crossbow +2
Shield +2
Mounted Combat +1
Ride +3
Doctrines - Orthodoxy +1
Weaponer +1
Armorer +1
High Talislan, native dialect

Equipment: Black iron chainmail, iron shield embossed with the Eye of Aa, white tabard embroidered with simple Eye of Aa, coarse woolen garments, leather boots (all dyed white), iron holy symbol of Aa, mace, longsword, heavy crossbow, case of 20 bolts, graymane steed.

Wealth: 10 gold lumens; Aaman clothes and feeds its soldiers.