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Aamanian Slaver
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: Aaman

"Work harder, you Aa-less heathen scum, or feel the sting of Aa's displeasure!"

The Hierophant has often preached of the many sins of the infidel, and you know that foreigners are worthless, shaitan-begotten animals. Your conviction is powerful, deepened by dealings with the infidels, and you never hesitate to discipline the slaves under your care, keeping their worthless, lazy hides in line with your constant vigil. At times you work them in the mines, at others aboard the slave galleys, or in labor crews constructing walls and roads throughout Aa's glorious land, but you never relax your guard, nor fail to show Aa's displeasure at their shortcomings and tainted ways. Sometimes you travel to lands that have not felt the intensity of Aa's magnificent gaze, trading with heathens such as the savage Imrians, exchanging iron or goods for more slaves. Dealing with the infidels fills you with loathing, but such is your Aa-blessed task, for few of your countrymen have the iron will and steadfast faith to do so.

Physical Characteristics: 5'6"-6', 100-180 lbs. Copper skin, sculpted features, dark green eyes, all facial and bodily hair removed.

PER +1
WIL +2
CHA -1
STR +1
CR +2
MR 0
HP 20

Whip +3
Club +2
Brawling +2
Wrestling +3
Guard +2
Torture +1
Healer +1
Haggle +3
Barter +3
Doctrines - Orthodoxy +1
High Talislan, native dialect
Low Talislan, fluent

Equipment: Coarse woolen tunic, pants, and leather boots (all dyed white), braided leather whip, 3 pairs of iron manacles, iron-shod club, length of iron chain, iron holy symbol of Aa (lacquered white), pouch.

Wealth: 10 gold lumens; Slavers purchasing new slaves on behalf of the Orthodoxy may have cult-supplied trade goods worth d20 x 100 g.l.