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Aamanian Sailor
by Colin Chapman

Homeland: Aaman

"Keep the land within sight! Watch it with the vigilance of Aa!"

Although you serve the interests of the Omniscient One by taking to the waves, you are not truly at ease away from the coast, for you know that great terrors lie beyond the sight of land, and that the waters are Aa-forsaken, the domain of heathen barbarians such as the cursed Gao, and Mangar, who seek to interfere in your appointed tasks, and steal what belongs to Aa's chosen. Even the hated Zandir seem more at ease plying the foul waterways; proof enough of their corrupt state. Whether working aboard a slave galley, merchant vessel, or warship, your life is harsh and disciplined, punctuated by regular prayers and devotions to Aa, and pleas for his aid atop the shaitanic deeps. You dread the tragedy of being lost at sea, and dying in the Aa-cursed waters, for then you would not receive a fitting and blessed burial. Still, you labor atop the fearsome waves, for such is your duty, and such is the Will of Aa.

Physical Characteristics: 5'6"-6', 100-180 lbs. Copper skin, sculpted features, dark green eyes, all facial and bodily hair removed.

PER +1
WIL +1
STR +1
CON +1
CR +2
MR 0
HP 20

Longsword +2
Light Crossbow +1
Pilot +4
Artillerist +2
Doctrines - Orthodoxy +1
High Talislan, native dialect

Equipment: Coarse woolen cap, tunic, pants, and leather boots (all dyed white), longsword, light crossbow with case of 20 bolts, iron holy symbol of Aa (lacquered white).

Wealth: 10 gold lumens.