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Talislanta Milieu

Talislanta RPG

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Retail: $10.95 U.S.    ISBN 1-880992-15-9

Immerse your PCs in one of Talislanta's lushest cultures with Sarista, the first sourcemodule for Talislanta! As a sourcemodule, Sarista provides both detailed background information on the Sarista and a short adventure that lets you use some of that material right away. Details on Sarista customs, skills, equipment, and magic add flavor to this colorful race, while information on the landscape and creatures of Silvanus flushes out the Sarista homeland. A few special NPCs and a sample Sarista clan provide inspiration for your own adventures, while the short adventure included sends your PCs to investigate possible Tanasian activity in Silvanus. Whether your party is visiting the Western Lands or being visited by a Sarista caravan, you'll find plenty of good ideas in Sarista.