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Talislanta Milieu

Talislanta RPG

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Retail: $9.95 U.S.    ISBN 1-880992-11-6

The Crimson Horde is now recruiting mercenary cavaliers to supplement Kang road patrols in certain isolated corners of the Quan Empire. Recruits will be paid 100 gold lumens per hay, plus equipment valued at over 700 gold lumens. See an Ispasian representative for more information.

Let your players explore the mysterious Quan Empire, choose between duty and conscience, and affect the course of Talislantan history in this epic adventure of cultural clashes and military intrigue. Designed for 3 - 6 characters of 4th - 7th level (3rd edition), Quantrigue uncovers for the first time what's really going on beneath the surface of the Quan Empire since the Kang took control on 611 N.A. So expose your players to a little Kang culture; neither they nor the empire will ever be the same!