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Talislanta RPG

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A Yitek Parable
Scribe - Eric Edwards

"There was once a young man, about to be wed to his betrothed. Such a fine, wonderful, voluptuous young creature had never been seen before. He considered himself to be the luckiest man alive. Upon his wedding night, when he bed her down, he discovered tattoos naming all those who had been there before him. The man was crushed, and flung himself to his doom. The young lass grew old and withered with time, a widow all her life. When she was old and decrepit, she met another man, who cared not for her ugliness. He courted her, and eventually they married. On their wedding night, he noticed the faded tattoos, saying nothing. During the lovemaking, he experienced pleasure he had never dreamed of, treasures undiscovered by others. This man, died a rich and healthy man, years later."

The moral, do not fret when it appears others have visited the graves before you, for they may have left the most valuable treasures, unbeknownst to them.