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Stealers of the Dead
Scribe - Wade Durant

As recorded on the Tamar of an Ariane Druas known only as Hunter:

As the most interesting tales are usually found among those who are considered eccentric or unusual, I made my way through the cavern city of Durne, to a small yet lively establishment on the outskirts of the settlement. This tavern was called the Cracked Shell Tavern, in reference to the broken scrap of Subterranoid exoskeleton that hung above the heating braziers. That is the name that is used by the owner and the patrons, most others in Durne refer to it as Crazy Emo's. The majority of the patronage consists of portions of Durne society that they would call ruffians or rabble-rousers, but by the standards of most other civilized peoples, they are still quite tame and unexcitable.

The proprietor of the tavern is a one legged gnomekin by the name of Emo Adobo, a retired tunnel runner, protector, and cavern cartographer. Evenings around the dim braziers filled with glowing fungus and heating crystals typically consists of young, off duty protectors imbibing potent mushroom ale as well as tales spun by retired, elderly veterans of the tunnels under Talislanta. Quite often, usually after many "caps" full of the strongest Gnomekin mushroom ale, Emo will hobble out from behind the bar on his one good leg and his crystalline, iron tipped false leg, and inform the patrons that the lot of them have moss growing behind the ears and know nothing about adventure. He then proceeds to spin the most fantastic tales, most well beyond even the childlike imagination of the other gnomekin.

Here I spend my nights hoping for grand stories from Emo, in the hopes that his wild tales will uncover a bit of truth regarding the many secrets of the Land Below. Why I am drawn to that uncharted realm I have yet to realize, but it is becoming an unquenchable obsession. It seemed obvious that the best place to quench my thirst for this knowledge would be Durne. Gnomekin should possess more of its hidden lore than any other people still residing on Talislanta. Most say Ebo's tales are a result of either the traumatic shock of loosing his leg in a battle or of his exposure to the toxic wastes in the underground highway below Urag. Nevertheless, I have an undeniable sense that Ebo Adobo's "crazy" stories contain more truth than his brethren give him credit for. Thus I listen to endless stories, and endure inexhaustible boasting from inebriated, diminutive men until now my patience pays off and Ebo is about to stun the patrons with the following grand tale:

"There were six of us on a mapping excursion that day, myself and Udo Udlana, both experienced protectors; Onu Ogoni, one of the fastest tunnel runners ever to ever crawl through the depths; Iber and Uni Edwa, a brother and sister team of cartographers; and Apu Purda, our crystalmancer and resident killjoy. Back then, the tunnels under Urag was virtually unknown, especially the deeper caverns, 'cause them damn Darklings and their overstuffed masters had already polluted most of 'em. Someone had the bright idea that certain crystals would be more powerful if grown in the toxic sludge found down there, so it was our job to map out the deepest caverns we could find, with bonuses for all if we found a waste dump as well. Apu provided crystals that was supposed to protect us from any poisonin' from the stuff, but we never had to actually test 'em out. Bet Apu would wish we'd had that chance, rather than what happened 'stead, if he was still alive.

"Was following a right good downslope with just a bit o' water runnin', just under the Darklands, when it opened up to huge crevasse, wider across that a half dozen durges lined up snout to tail. Could hardly see the other side. Ran long and deep, too, couldn't see the bottom or the top, looked like every runner's nightmare, but every climber's dream. Could see a fissure on the other side, about six stalks down from our ledge. Iber was the best climber, and started settin's pins and headin' down the wall, hoping to find another cavity on our side to continue on, or to get a better angle on throwin' a grapnel across and getting' it to catch. He found another ledge, so followed him down, we did.

Got a rope across and headed over first, when the rope went slack an' was smacked against the far rock wall, just about witless. Apu was clinging to the end of the rope below me, don't know how or why, but turned out better to be on that side than the other. Looked back and most of the ledge was gone and the chasm echoed with the sound of falling rocks and screaming Gnomekin. There was something else too. High pitched screamin' like you never heard, went right through the heart! Apu lit up the cavern, and could see scrape marks startin' above the ledge, then continuin' down into the dark, where the others' shouts had stopped, like they'd hit bottom. Scrapes above the ledge! Remember thinkin', whatever was there, we came down right past 'em! They waited for us, then took us out, like they was actually thinkin', plottin' creatures. Yea, you got it right, boy, Subterranoids. More likely drones, by the size of the marks on the wall.

"After a bit o' quiet, could hear moanin' from the bottom of the crevasse, and more screechin' too. They wasn't dead, and we couldn't just leave 'em, so Ebo pulled out a crystal an' started chanting to Terra, an' below us, a ladder started forming out of the rock in the cliff face. Wasn't quick, mind you, but better'n nothin'. Got down a few hundred feet, and could see the bottom, littered with rubble, and swarmin' with the armored backs a hundred Subterranoid drones. Quite a sight from above, almost looked like stalactites, but movin'. Apu flared up his light again, hopin' to scare 'em back to their dark holes, but they grabbed the others an' took 'em with 'em, the evil brutes.

"Couldn't just let 'em get away with our comrades, so we descended, slowly, to the bottom, but by then, the place was deserted. Luckily, drones aren't the best at hidin' their tracks. There must have been a dozen exits, but not hard to tell where the others was dragged. Must have followed that tunnel for days, down deeper than any gnomekin ever been. Could feel when we passed from this land into the Land Below. Was an eerie tingle in the air, made the mane want to stand up on end. And there was a smell too, like sniffin' hot steel, with a bit o' honey poured on it.

"Knew we were in their land now, not ours, so figured it would be safer to sneak in, rather than charge in demanding our comrades back. Apu fired up another one of his crystals, makin' us blend into the rock. We snuck right past dozens of those stupid, lumberin' drones. Just wandered the passages, they did, not much rhyme nor reason to 'em. Walked right by us without a second look. Even saw a few little drones, probably babies. Ain't nobody ever seen a baby drone before, no baby subterranoids, either. We was about to learn that there aren't any such thing as a baby subterranoid.

"Could feel a breeze comin' from ahead carryin' the stench of somethin' supernatural stronger than ever, or so Apu said. We found a small vent tube that opened into the ceiling of a large cavern, where we could look down into the room, hopin' to spot Onu and the others. What we saw then I hope no other folk ever has to see. The cavern was crawlin' with both drones and subterranoids, and that's not all. There was a huge pool o' somethin' bubblin' and steamin' in the middle of the room, and a huge ebontine crystal half-submerged in the stuff.

"Floatin' above the crystal, chained to the floor by shackles of metal like the stuff the 'noids use for weapons and shields, was a creature that turned my stomach to look at it. It was a huge shimmerin' scaly serpent, with a score of tentacles writhin' off of its body. It had one huge eye that was always lookin' right through you, no matter where you were, and a nasty lookin' stinger on the tip of its tail, bigger than me. Apu said the name of the thing, but I can't remember what he said, too busy tryin not to run the other way. What's that, Ariane? Yea, that's the name he said, Erx. But he said too big to be real. Good thing it was chained up, I tell you. But that's not the worst of it.

"At one end of the cavern, drones was carryin' bodies into the room, layin' 'em out in rows on the floor. Gnomekin bodies! There must have been fifty layin' there, all long dead, covered in dirt. Don't you get it, ya idiots, the subterranoids were stealin' our dead! We bury them deep in the earth to give them back to Terra, but the 'noids and their stinking drones are stealin' them! I wanted to dive into the room an' cut 'em all to bits, but what happened next froze me to the floor where I lay.

"Somethin' else came into the room, somethin' big and ugly. Looked like a subterranoid, but had more arms and a tail, and was different colors, with weird writing all over its shell. Before I could get a good look, it started castin' a spell or somethin' and the crystal started glowin' and the cavern shook with thunder. The 'noids' shields and swords started glowin' and then waves of power flowed from 'em into the big snake thing, and down into the crystal. The pool started boilin' and the stink had me and Apu both gaggin'. Apu started to panic, 'cause his crystals all went dead, like the thing was sucking out their magic. I smacked him to shut him up 'cause nobody was payin' no attention to us up there anyway, didn't need him givin' us away.

"One by one, the drones each picked up a gnomekin body and waded into the boilin' pool, 'til all you could see was the back humps of 'em pokin' out the surface. After a few minutes, the spell stopped, the energy quit flowin' and the pool stopped boilin'. Actually, it looked like it evaporated or drained or somethin', 'cause when the steam cleared we could see everythin' in the pool clearly, only they wasn't no drones anymore! They was subterranoids! The stinkin' things are using our poor dead kin, stealin' their souls and minds from Terra and usin' them to become subterranoids! Somehow they was all transformed, no longer the hulking, stupid drones, but now thinkin', calculatin', evil 'noids!

"Suddenly Apu's magic came back to his crystals, but unfortunately, they all started glowin' real bright. All the subterranoids looked up at us - just about lost it right there, knew we was dead. Both got up an' started runnin', but the 'noid king must have done somethin', 'cause there was a blast behind us and the vent floor blew out below us. Leapt for a ledge, rather than fall into the writhing mass of monsters below an' barely caught hold. Apu wasn't so lucky. Watched from the ledge as they ripped him limb from limb below. They must have known he had magic powers, 'cause they was too busy rummagin' through his bags and what was left of his clothes to pay me much attention. Climbed up to the vent again and never looked back.

"Must have run for days. Ran out of glow moss and had to go by feel, hear, and smell for three days before I found more. No big problem, trained for that for years, most of you have too, right? Or are they givin' you all glow crystals now? Anyway, got a bit lost during that time, ended up in Urag, but that's another story. Finally made it back to Durne a whole cycle later, and went straight to the King. Pleaded with him to stop buryin' our dead, that we was responsible for keepin' the subterranoids around, but he wouldn't listen. They all said was crazy. Think he sent a group back there to crash the tunels, don't know if they succeeded. Don't know if the King is still worried about it, or if he forgot about it completely.

"Tell you one thing, when the end comes, any you bury this one, come back from the dead to haunt you! Cremate this body or leave it on the surface to feed the stryx, but don't ya dare bury it!