Editor's note:
Due to the unintentional link between the name of the 'Quaranians', an evil race of necromancers in Talislanta, and the 'Quaran' or Koran, the sacred text of Islam, the Quaranians will be renamed the Torquarans in the fourth edition of Talislanta (Black Moon Rising). Steve Sechi provides the following background on the name:

Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 10:28:04 -0700
From: SteveSechi@aol.com
Subject: Re: Another Note on Muses

Hey Rob -

By the way, I decided to take your advice re: the potentially derogatory connotations of the Arabic-sounding "Quaranians". Here's my new take on this:

The Quaranians as a people were not all evil, any more than all Germans were evil when the Nazis were in power. The cult of Black Magicians who ruled Quaran during this period were the true source of evil in that land. Members of this dark cult were known as the Torquarans, and will be referred to as such from now on.

The similarity between the Torquarans and the Torquar of Rajanistan is intentional, and has an historical basis. The Rajan Torquar of the New Age derived their name from the ancient Torquarans, from whom they claim descent.

Whatcha think?


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