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April 30th, 2004

At Fuji your meal is cooked to order in front of you. Some chefs will also perform a little while cooking, but that all depends on the chef that you get. The seating is set up around a Hibachi Grill and up to eight people will sit at a table at one time. Every dinner is served with soup, salad (shrimp or ginger dressing), fried rice, fried onions and zucchini, and then your choice of entree. The meats are cooked with mushrooms and the shrimp is cooked with broccoli. All of your food is cooked to your request, including but not exclusive to how you like your steak cooked, egg in your fried rice, substituting broccoli or mushrooms, or excluding a part of the meal completely.

On this visit we ordered Filet and Chicken, and Steak and Shrimp. Our chef was Binh and our waitress was -------. 

Every meal has a 15% tip included, but please remember that the top is split between the chef and waitress.

Total Price for this Meal : $49.50

Fuji Japanese Steak House & Seafood
2170 West Evans Street
Florence, SC 29051

(843) 679-0038